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젖병 소독이 꼭 필요할까?
2024. 5. 1. 13:54
When you first buy bottles, it is important to sterilize them at least one time. After that, it is no longer necessary to sterilize bottles and their accessories. Many years ago, when water supplies were not reliably clean, baby items required sterilization, but nowadays, this is thankfully not an issue.
- Note: If you use a dishwasher with hot water and a heated drying cycle (or sanitizing setting) to clean infant feeding items, a separate sanitizing step is not necessary.
- For extra germ removal, sanitize feeding items at least once daily. Sanitizing is particularly important when your baby is younger than 2 months, was born prematurely, or has a weakened immune system. Daily sanitizing of feeding items may not be necessary for older, healthy babies, if those items are cleaned carefully after each use.
식기세척기가 젖병 등을 뜨거운 물로 세척하고 열풍으로 건조한다면 추가적인 소독 과정은 불필요하다.
2개월 미만의 영아, 조산아, 면역이 떨어진 아이의 경우는 매일 소독하는 것이 필요할 수 있고, 그런 경우가 아니라면 필수는 아니다.